Receção de Camões na anglofonia
João Almeida Flor
“Receção de Camões na literatura inglesa", verbete,
in Dicionário de Luís de Camões. Coord. Vitor Aguiar e Silva
Editorial caminho, 2011 / Ebook.
João Almeida Flor
«Um Camões lírico para o nosso tempo»
Românica, 18 (2009).
George Monteiro
"Camões and the English»,
Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 9, 2003.
«Towards a History of Portuguese Literature in English Translation»,
Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, 10 (2001).
João Almeida Flor
«The Old Man of Belém: sobre a mais recente tradução inglesa d’Os “Lusíadas»,
in HOMEM, R. C. (org.), Tradução, Ensino, Comunicação,
Porto, 1999.
George Monteiro
The presence of Camões: influences on the literature of
England, America, and Southern Africa.
[Lexington]: University Press of Kentucky, 1996.
Col. "Studies in romance languages", 40
X, 189 p. ; 23 cm | ISBN 0-8131-1952-9
Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, coord.
Camões em Inglaterra
Lisboa: Ministério da Educação /ICALP, 1992.
Contém estudos como:
Maria Eugenia Igreja - "A lírica de Camões em língua inglesa"
lolanda Freitas Ramos - "Camões, perfil encomiástico em inglês"
Leonor Isabel Neves
"Ouçam Camões, nos versos de Melville"
JL - Jornal de Letras, Lisboa, 11 (28 maio 1991): 31.
David Quint
"Voices of Resistance: The Epic Curse and Camoes's Adamastor”
Representations 27 (Summer 1989): 111-41;
reprinted in Quint, Epic and Empire, 99-125, 381-85.
Norwood Andrews, Jr.
The Case Against Camões:
A Seldom Considered Chapter from Ezra Pound’s Campaign to Discredit Rhetorical Poetry
New York: Peter Lang, 1988.
Alexandrino Eusebio Severino,
"The Adamastor and the Spirit-Spout: Echoes of Camoens in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick,"
in From Dante to Garcia Marquez,
ed. Gene H. Bell-Villada, Antonio Gim6nez, and George Pistorius
Williamstown, Mass.: Williams College, 1987, 114-32.
F. de Mello Moser
«Luís de Camões em Inglaterra»,
Estudos sobre a Projecção de Camões em Culturas e Literaturas Estrangeiras,
Lisboa, 1984.
Thomas R. Hart
"Luis Vaz de Camoens (15247-1580)’’
in European Writers: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance,
ed. William T.H. Jackson and George Stade.
New York: Scribners, 1983, 747-67.
George Monteiro
"Reason and/or Madness: Herman Melville’s Rediscovery of Camoes,"
Revista Camoniana, 5 (1982-83): 39-48.
[Norwood Andrews, Jr.?]
"A Projeção de Camões e d’Os Lusíadas nos Estados Unidos da America,”
in Estudos sobre a Projeção de Camões em Culturas e Literaturas Estrangeiras,
vol. 3 of Os Lusíadas, Edição Crítica, ed. Jacinto do Prado Coelho
Lisboa: Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, 1984, 331-449.
Norwood Andrews, Jr.
"Toward an Understanding of Camoes’ Presence as a Lyric Poet in the Nineteenth-Century American Press,”
Luso-Brazilian Review 17 (Winter 1980): 180-81.
George Monteiro
"Poetry and Madness: Melville’s Rediscovery of Camoes in 1867,"
New England Quarterly 51 (Dec. 1978): 561-65.
Carlos Estorninho
“Camoniana Inglesa da Biblioteca do Instituto Britânico"
Lisboa, 1972.
Madonna Letzring
"Strangfords Poems from The Portuguese of Luis de Camoens"
Comparative Literature 23 (Fall 1971).
George West
«A projecção d’Os Lusíadas através das traduções inglesas
Bracara Augusta, (1971-1972), pp. 35-36.
Brian F. Head
"Camoes and Melville,"
Revista Camoniana 1 (1964): 36-77.
Madonna Letzring
The Influence of Camoens in English Literature,
Revista Camoniana 1-3 (1964, 1965, 1971).
Richard Fanshawe
The Lusiads in Sir Richard Fanshawe’s Translation
ed. Geoffrey Bullough. - London: Centaur, 1963.
Harvey L. Johnson
"Longfellow and Portuguese Language and Literature,"
Comparative Literature 17 (Summer 1963).
Henry H. Hart
Luis de Camoens and the Epic of the Lusiads
Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1962.
Carlos Estorninho
«O culto de Camões em Inglaterra»,
Arquivo de Bibliografia Portuguesa, 1961, p. 23-24.
Roy Campbell
"The Poetry of Luiz de Camoes”
London Magazine 4 (Aug. 1957): 30.
Luís Cardim
Projecção de Camões nas Letras Inglesas
Lisboa, 1940.
George West
«Luís de Camões e o Romantismo inglês,
Revista Portuguesa, 21 (1938).
Felix Walter
La Littérature Portugaise en Angleterre à l´époque romantique,
Paris, 1927.
Henry Thomas
English Translations of Portuguese Books before 1640,
Oxford, 1926.
Merritt Y. Hughes
"Camoens, 1524-1924,"
New York Evening Post Literary Review 5 (20 Sept. 1924): 1-2.
Aubrey EG. Bell
Luis de Camoes,
Hispanic Notes & Monographs: Portuguese Series.
Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press / Humphrey Milford, 1923.
Séc. XIX
Teófilo Braga
«As traduções inglesas d’Os Lusíadas»
in Questões de Literatura e Arte Portuguesa
Lisboa, s.d.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed.
The Poets and Poetry of Europe [anthology]
Nova ed. [1.ª ed., 1845], revised and enlarged: Boston: James R. Osgood, 1871.
The Indicator 1 (June 1848).
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed.
The Poets and Poetry of Europe [anthology]
Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1845, 570-77.
| New ed., revised and enlarged: Boston: James R. Osgood, 1871.
Contém, por exemplo, os episódios da epopeias camoniana:
“Ignez de Castro" e “Spirit of the Cape”
Com Camões no topo, os outros poetas seus contemporâneos,
ou próximos no tempo, antologiados são:
Bernardim Ribeiro, Francisco de Portugal, Fernando de Almeida,
Gil Vicente, Francisco de Saa de Miranda, António Ferreira,
Pedro de Andrade Caminha, Diogo Bernardes, Frei Agostinho da Cruz,
Fernão Alvares do Oriente, Francisco Rodriguez Lobo,
Manoel de Faria e Souza...
"Early Literature of Modem Europe"
North American Review 82 (Jan. 1834): 168.
John Adamson
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens,
2 vols., London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1820.
William Herbert
Publicou a canção "Vão as serenas águas" como uma ode
in Translations from the German, Danish, &c. to which is added Miscellaneous Poetry,
2 vols., London, 1806, 2: 47-49.
(Apud: Madonna Letzring - Influence of Camoens, 3:124)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Longfellow’s copy of: Strangford’s Poems, from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens.
Published in Philadelphia by H. Maxwell in 1805
Este manuscrito está atualmente na Houghton Library da Universidade de Harvard .
William Hayley
An Essay on Epic Poetry (1782) by William Hayley,
a facsimile reproduction, with an introduction by Sister M. Celeste Williamson, SSJ
Gainesville, Fla.: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 1968.
2. Receção criativa por outros autores
SPAINE gave me noble Birth: Coimbra, Arts,Lisbon, a high-plac’t love, and Courtly parts:AFFRIC, a Refuge when the Court did frowne.WARRE, at an Eye's expence, a faire renowne:TRAVAYLE, experience, with noe short sightOf India, and the World; both which I write:INDIA a life, which I gave there for Lost,On MECONS waves (a wreck and Exile) tost;To boot, this POEM, held up in one handWhilst with the other I swam safe to land:TASSO, a sonet; and (what's greater yit)The honour to give Hints to such a witt:PHILIP a Cordiall, (the ill Fortune see!)To cure my Wants when those had new kill’d mee:My Country (Nothing — yes) Immortall Prayse(so did I, Her) Beasts cannot browze on Bayes.
Sir Richard Fanshawe
in frontespício de Lusiad, ed. Bullough ed., 1655.
Jorge de Sena
“Camoes dirige-se aos sens contemporaneos"
“Camoes Addresses His Contemporaries"
Trad. George Monteiro, em In Crete with the Minotaur and Other Poems,
Providence, R.L: Gavea-Brown, 1980, 41-42
"Gentle Spirit... ": Verse and Prose
by Luís de Camões, Jorge de Sena, Eugenio Lisboa, Jonathan Griffin, Keith Bosley,
ed. Anthonly Rudolf . - London: Menard Press, 1980.
Jonathan Griffin, "Camões Dying"
Roy Campbell
"Luis de Camoes" - soneto
in Diário de Lisboa, 9.06.1952, p. 3.
Reprod. em Poesia do Século XX, ed. e trad. de Jorge de Sena,
Porto: Inova, 1978, p. 402.
Roy Campbell
Traduções de Camões:
"The Sailor Girl" e "Canção VIII [sic]: Junto de un estéril, duro monte"
in Nine 3 (Autumn 1951): 173-74.
Poemas reproduzidos, com um excerto de Os Lusíadas (Canto VIII),
e os poemas "On a shipmate, Pero Moniz, dying at Sea",
"Seven long years was Jacob herding sheep,"
e "Dear gentle soul, who went soon away,"
in Roy Campbell, Portugal, 137-45
e in Collected Poems of Roy Campbell, vol. 3, Translations,
with a foreword by Edith Sitwell.
London: Bodley Head, 1960, 124-31.
Roy Campbell
“Rounding the Cape” (1930)
in Adamastor, London: Faber and Faber, 1930, p. 38.
Douglas Livingstone - "Adamastor Resuscitated” (1964)
David Wright - “A Voyage to Africa” (1976)
Charles Eglington - “The Blighter (after Fernando Pessoa)" (1977)
A ficção de Andre Brink.
3. Traduções da Obra de Camões em língua Inglesa
Luis de Camoes: Epic & Lyric
ed. L. C. Taylor, trans. Keith Bosley, illus. Lima de Freitas,
with essays by Maurice Bowra, Helder Macedo, and Luis de Sousa Rebelo
Manchester: Carcanet / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1990.
Luis de Camoes, Os Lusiadas,
ed. Frank Pierce
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973.
"Seventy Sonnets of Camoens, &c.’’
Graphic 23 (2 April 1881): 323.
Richard E Burton
Camoens: His Life and His Lusiads,
2 vols., London: Bernard Quaritch, 1881.
Richard Henry Wilde (1789-847)
Trad. de 4 sonetos camoianos
reprod. em Edward L. Tucker:
Richard Henry Wilde: His Life and Selected Poems.
Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1966, p. 138, 139, 151.
Lord Viscount Strangford
Poems, from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens
London: J. Carpenter, 1808.
Monica Letzring - "Strangfords Poems from The Portuguese of Luis de
Camoens," Comparative Literature 23 (Fall 1971).
William Julius Mickle
The Lusiad, or. The Discovery of India.
An Epic Poem Translated from the Original Portuguese of Luis de Camoens
by William Julius Mickle.
Oxford: Jackson and Lister, 1776.
Richard Fanshaw
The Lusiad, or, Portugals Historicall Poem:
Written In the Portingall Language by Luis de Camoens;
and Now newly put into English by Richard Fanshaw
London: Humphrey Moseley, 1655.
Redação: 23.01.2025